- Kubernetes.io blog: KubeInvaders – Gamified Chaos Engineering Tool for Kubernetes
Openshift Commons Briefings: OpenShift Commons Briefing KubeInvaders: Chaos Engineering Tool for Kubernetes
Community Talks and Blogs
- AdaCon Norway Live Stream
- LILiS – Linux Day 2023 Benevento
- Acloudguru: cncf-state-of-the-union
- DevNation RedHat Developer: Twitter
- Flant: Open Source solutions for chaos engineering in Kubernetes
- Reeinvent: KubeInvaders – gamified chaos engineering
- Adrian Goins: K8s Chaos Engineering with KubeInvaders
- dbafromthecold: Chaos engineering for SQL Server running on AKS using KubeInvaders
- Pklinker: Gamification of Kubernetes Chaos Testing
- GitHub: awesome-kubernetes repo
- William Lam: Interesting Kubernetes application demos
- The Chief I/O: 5 Fun Ways to Use Kubernetes
- LuCkySideburn: Talk @ Codemotion
- Chaos Carnival: Chaos Engineering is fun!
- Chaos Engineering for SQL Server | Andrew Pruski | Conf42: Chaos Engineering: YouTube_Video
- Nicholaschangblog: Introducing Azure Chaos Studio
- Bugbug: Chaos Testing: Everything You Need To Know